Asianto Sinambela  30 Mei 2016  ← Back

Riwayat Pendidikan
a.     Sarjana Hukum, Universitas Indonesia, Jakarta (1984)
b.     Magister Hukum, Washington College of Laws, The American University, Washington, D.C, USA (1993)
Riwayat Jabatan

a.     Sekretaris Kedua (Staf Bidang Politik) pada KBRI Nairobi, Kenya (1993)
b.     Kepala Seksi Konvensi Internasional tentang Lingkungan Global, Dit. KSEM, (1997)
c.     Ditjen HELN, Kemlu RI (1997)
d.     Counsellor  Ekonomi (Perdagangan Internasional) pada Perwakilan Tetap RI untuk PBB dan WTO di Jenewa, Swiss (2000)
e.     Kepala Sub-Direktorat Perdagangan Sektor Jasa dan Industri, Dit. PPIH (2004)
f.      Alternate Executive Director, Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam (2005)
g.     Direktur Perdagangan, Industri, Investasi dan HKI, Kemlu RI (2005)
h.     Konsul Jenderal RI di San Francisco, California, USA (2010)
i.      Pejabat Fungsional Diplomatik, Ditjen. Multilateral, Kemlu RI (2014)
j.      Wakil Ketua, Satgas Diplomasi Ekonomi Bidang Perdagangan, Kemlu RI (2015)
k.     Kepala Biro Komunikasi dan Layanan Masyarakat, Kemdikbud RI (2015)
Riwayat Diklat Struktural
Riwayat Seminar
a.     Sebagai nara-sumber/pembawa makalah. moderator, widyaiswara mengenai sistem perdagangan internasional dalam kerangka WTO dan isu-isu global lainnya (lingkungan hidup) (Januari 2006 – Juni 2015)
b.     Workshop, Negotiation on Trade in Services, Macao (2008)
c.     Workshop, Genetic Resources and Traditional Knowledge and Folklore, Macao (2007)
d.     Sekolah Dinas Luar Negeri Tingkat Atas/Pimpinan (SESPA), Kemlu RI (2005)
e.     Workshop, Migrant Workers and Movement of Natural Persons, UNCTAD, Jenewa, Swiss (2004)
f.      Workshop, Farm Subsidies by Developed Countries, Germany (2003)                 
g.     Workshop, Doha Development Agenda, OECD, Paris (Mei 2002)
h.     Workshop, Trade in Services on Demestic Regulation, OECD, Paris (2001)
i.      Seminar on Trade in Services, ESF, Brussel (2000)
j.      Mengikuti Program Pelatihan,The 13th WTO Trade Policy Course di Jenewa, Swiss (2000)
k.     Mengikuti Program Pelatihan, 4th United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) in Environmental Law and Policy, Nairobi, Kenya (1999)
l.      International Workshop on Environmental Management, Jakarta (1999)
m.    Southeast Asian Justices’ Symposium on the Law on Sustainable Development,  Manila, The Philippines (1999)
n.     Sekolah Dinas Luar Negeri Tingkat Menengah/Madya (SESDILU), Kemlu RI (1998)
o.     SME/NEDO AIJ Round-table on Energy and Industry Sector, Jakarta (1998)
p.     Sekolah Dinas Luar Negeri Tingkat Dasar (SEKDILU), Kemlu RI. (1987)
Riwayat Pertemuan Internasional

1.     General Council of the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), The Hague (2009)
2.     Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization (WTO), Geneva (2009)
3.     Food Security Summit, Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Rome (2009)
4.     Committee on Trade and Investment, APEC, Singapore (2009)
5.     Council on Trade in Services, Geneva (2009)
6.     25th Conference of Programme and Budget Committee of UNIDO, Vienna (2009)
7.     Executive Board Meeting of the Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam (2009)
8.     Regional Conference of Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Bangkok (2009)
9.     Committee on Sanitary and Phitosanitary (SPS), WTO, Geneva (2009)
10.   APEC Senior Official Meeting, Singapore (2009)
11.   FAO World Food Security Conference, Madrid (2009)
12.   General Council of the World Trade Organization, Geneva (2008)
13.   Governing Council of the Common Fund for Commodities, Zanzibar (2008)
14.   Executive Board Meeting of the Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam (2008)
15.   September 2008 : General Assembly of the World Intellectual Property Organization, Geneva
16.   Informal Ministerial Meeting of the World Trade Organization, Geneva (2008)
17.   10th Meeting High Level Trade Officials of the D-8 Countries, Kuala Lumpur (2008)
18.   FAO High Level Conference on World Food Crisis, Rome (2008)
19.   UNCTAD XII Conference, Accra, Ghana (2008)
20.   Executive Board Meeting of the Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam (2008)
21.   Preliminary Conference on UNCTAD XII, Geneva (2008)
22.   9th Meeting of the High Level of Trade Officials of the D-8 Countries, Islamabad (2008)
23.   WTO Council for Trade in Services - Special Session, Geneva (2008)
24.   COP-13/MOP-3, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, Bali (2007)
25.   19th Annual Meeting of the Governing Council of the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC), Kuala Lumpur (2007)
26.   Council Meeting of International Coffee Organization, London (2007)
27.   WTO Council on Trade in Services- Special Session, Geneva (2007)
28.   International Trade Center Workshop on Trade in Services, Geneva (2007)
29.   Negotiation on Indonesia-Japan Economic Partnership Agreement, Tokyo (2007)
30.   The 42nd Session of International Tropical Timber Council of the ITTO, Port Moresby (2007)
31.   Executive Board Meeting of the Common Fund for Commodities, Amsterdam (2007)
32.   General System of Trade Preference, UNCTAD, Geneva (2007)
33.   International Pepper Community, Candy, Sri Lanka (2006)
34.   The 18th Governing Council of the Common Fund for Commodities, Moscow (2006)
35.   The 41st Session of the International Tropical Timber Council, Yokohama (2006)
36.   The 40th session of the International Tropical Timber Council, Yucatan, Mexico (2006)
37.   Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services, Geneva (2006)
38.   Executive Board Meeting of the World Food Programme (WFP), Rome (2006)
39.   The 39th Session of the International tropical Timber Council, Geneva (2006)
40.   The 6th WTO Ministerial Conference, Hong Kong, China (2005)
41.   Special Session of the Council for Trade in Services, Geneva (2005)
42.   The 41st Session of the Council of Representative of ITCB, Bali (2005)
43.   Conference on Poverty Reduction Strategic Paper, DFID, London, (2003)
44.   The 5th WTO Ministerial Conference, Cancun, Mexico (2003)
45.   The 38th Session of the Council of Representative of ITCB, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil (2002)
46.   The 4th WTO Ministerial Conference, Doha (2001)
47.   The 8th Conference of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development (CSD), New York. (2001)
48.   Conference of the Inter-governmental Forum on Forest, Geneva (1999)
49.   The 7th Conference of the Commission on Sustainable Development, New York (1999)
50.   High Level Conference on Regional and Sub-regional Economic Cooperation, Bali (1998)
51.   The G-77, High Level Advisory Meeting on South Summit, Jakarta (1988)
52.   Conference of the UNEP Governing Council, Nairobi (1966)
53.   Preparatory Conference of HABITAT II, Nairobi. (1966)
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