Harry Widianto  12 Mei 2016  ← Back

Riwayat Pendidikan
  • Sarjana Jurusan Arkeologi, Universitas Gadjah Mada (Lulus 1983)
  • Magister Bidang Paleoanthropologi, Institut de Paléontologie Humaine Paris (Lulus 1990)
  • Doktor Bidang Paleoanthropologi, Institut de Paléontologie Humaine Paris (Lulus 1993)
Riwayat Jabatan
  1. Kepala Balai Arkeologi Banjarmasin – 1994 s.d. 1998
  2. Kepala Balai Arkeologi Yogyakarta – 1998 s.d. 2007
  3. Kepala Balai Pelestarian Situs Manusia Purba Sangiran – 2008 s.d. 2013
  4. Direktur Pelestarian Cagar Budaya dan Permuseuman – 2013 s.d. sekarang 
Riwayat Jabatan Fungsional Peneliti:
  1. Ajun Peneliti Muda  per 01 Oktober 1988
  2. Ajun Peneliti Madya  per 01 November 1997
  3. Ahli Peneliti Muda   per 01 April 2004
  4. Ahli Peneliti Madya  per 01 Desember 2005
  5. Peneliti Utama  Gol. IV/d per 01 Januari 2006
  6. Peneliti Utama Gol. IV/e per 01 Juni 2011 
Aktivitas Profesional
  1. Peserta dalam berbagai Sidang di UNESCO
  •  Sidang ke-20 World Heritage Committee di Merida, Meksiko pada bulan Desember 1996 dalam rangka nominasi situs manusia purba Sangiran sebagai Warisan Dunia
  • Sidang Umum UNESCO ke-32 di Paris, Perancis, bulan Oktober 2003
  • Sidang UNESCO Wilayah Asia Pasifik di Hongkong, bulan Desember 2003, mengenai Protection and Conservation of Underwater Archaeological/Cultural Heritage
  • International Experts meeting on the protection of the Zhoukoudian World Heritage Site, Beijing, China, 2005
  • Meeting in Zhoukoudian China, dalam rangka proses Situs Kembar Warisan Dunia UNESCO antara Sangiran dan Zhoukoudian, 2010
  • Consultative Meeting on the establishment of C2C : Center for Human Evolution , Adaptation, Dispersal in Southeast Asia, Madrid and Paris, December 2014
  1. Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage, Paris, April 2015
  2.  Seminar-seminar di Dalam Negeri, antara lain : 
  • Pertemuan Ilmiah Arkeologi : 1986, 1996, 1999, 2003, 2005, 2008
  • Evaluasi Hasil Penelitian Arkeologi : 1985, 1994, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004-sekarang
  • Workshop Geologi Kuarter : 1999
  • Seminar Prasejarah Indonesia : 2000
  • Diskusi Ilmiah Arkeologi : 1985, 1987,1997, 2001
  • International Expert Meeting on Borobudur : 1995
  • International Colloquium on Sangiran : 1998
  • Seminar International, Manusia : Dahulu, Kini, dan Kemudian : 2000
  • International Seminar on Southeast Asian Paleoanthropology, Yogyakarta, 2007.
  • International Seminar on Srivijayan Civilization : The Awakening of a Maritime Kingdom, 2008
  • International Seminar “Sangiran Site: 75 Years After the First Hominid Discovery”, 2011 
  1. Seminar di Luar Negeri, antara lain : 
  2.  A Hundred Years of Pithecanthropus : Jerman, 1991
  3. 15th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, Thailand, 1994
  4. International Colloquium on Origin of Ancient Culture in Southeast Asian, Perancis, 1998
  5. 16th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, Malaysia, 1998
  6. Symposium on Human Palaeontology, China 1999
  7. XIVeme Congress de l’UISPP, Belgia, 2001
  8. 17th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, Taiwan, 2002
  9. 18th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, Manila, 2006
  10. From Distant Tales, Berlin, Jerman, 2006
  11. 11th International Conference of European Association of Southeast Asian Archaeologists, Bougon, Perancis, 2006
  12. International Seminar : Sharing of Our Archaeological Heritage, Johor, Malaysia, 2007
  13. Craddle of the Humankind, South Africa, 2008
  14. Les Premiers Peuplement de l’Eurasie, Argenton, Perancis, 2008
  15. 19th Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association Congress, Hanoi, Vietnam, 2010
  16. IGCP Meeting of UNESCO, Paris, France, 2010
  17. Prehistory at The Crossroad of Science and Conservation, Quinson, Perancis 2011
  18. Managing Prehistoric Heritage in Southeast Asia, Philippines, 2012
  19. Quaternary Prehistory 11, Paris, 2013
  1. Penelitian di Dalam Negeri, antara lain :
  •  Survei dan ekskavasi di berbagai situs prasejarah di Indonesia, 1978-sekarang
  • Penelitian pada situs-situs manusia purba di Jawa : 1993-sekarang
  • Penelitian pada situs gua-gua hunian prasejarah : 1993-sekarang 
  1. Penelitian Di Luar Negeri, antara lain : 
  2. Ekskavasi di situs manusia purba Tautavel, Perancis, 1989-1993
  3. Ekskavasi di situs manusia purba Lazaret, Perancis, 1990
  4. Ekskavasi di situs manusia purba San Remo, Italia, 1990
  1. Menulis sekitar 70 karangan ilmiah, antara lain : 
  •  “The hominid dental remains of Java : a metrical study”, Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association No. 11. Canberra : Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, 1991.
  • “A tentative reconstruction of the cranial human remains of Hanoman 1 from Bukuran, Sangiran (Central Java)”, Courier Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, 171 : 100 Years of Pithecanthropus, the Homo erectus Problem. Frankfurt, 1994.
  • “Un nouveau crane humain fossile dans le dome de Sangiran (Java, Indonésie)”, Comptes Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences, Série II, Tome 330. Paris : Elsevier, 2000.
  • “Two new human fossil remains discovered in Sangiran (Central Java, Indonesia)”, Acta Anthropologica Sinica Vol. 19, 2000.
  • “The perspective on the evolution of Javanese Homo erectus based on morphological and stratigraphical characteristics”, Sangiran : Man, Culture, and Environment in Pleistocene Times. Jakarta : Yayasan Obor, 2001.
  • “The evolutionary position of the Ngawi calvaria”, Bulletin of the IndoPacific Prehistory Association No. 21, 2001.
  • “The discovery of stone implements in the grenzbank : new insights into the chronology of the Sangiran flake industry”, Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association No. 21, 2001.  
  • “Searching for Homo erectus’ artifacts”, A Scientific Life : Papers in Honour of Prof. Dr. T. Jacob. Yogyakarta : Bigraf Publishing, 2001.
  • “Prehistoric inhabitants of Gunung Sewu”, Gunung Sewu in Prehistoric Times. Yogyakarta : Gadjah Mada Univeristy, 2002.
  • “Morphological description, biometry, and phylogenetic position of the skull of Ngawi 1 (East Java, Indonesia)”, International Journal of Osteoarchaeology, Vol. 13, 2003. 
  • “Austronesian Prehistory from the Perspective of Skeletal Anthropology”, Austronesian Diaspore, 2005.
  • “Cranio-morphological Aspects of the Recent Discovery of Human Remains from Batujaya, West Java”, Archaeology : Indonesian Perspective, R.P Soejono’s Festschrift, 2006.
  • “Human Arrival and its Depersal During The Holocene in Sulawesi”, Austronesia in Sulawesi, Center for Prehistoric and Austronesian Studies, 2008
  • “From Homo erectus to Homo floresiensis”, 2009.
  • “The Dawn of Humanity in Sumatra : Arrival and Dispersal from the Human Remains Perspective”, From Distant Tale, Sumatra Highland. Cambridge Scholar Publishing, 2009.
  • Buku : “Atlas Prasejarah Indonesia”, 2009
  • Buku : “Sangiran Menjawab Dunia”, 2009
  • Buku : “Jejak Langkah Setelah Sangiran”, 2010
  • Buku : “Nafas Sangiran, Nafas Situs-situs Hominid”, 2011
  • “Manusia Purba”, Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, Jilid I : Prasejarah”, 2012
  • “Manusia Modern Awal”, Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, Jilid I : Prasejarah”, 2012
  • “Manusia Modern yang Lebih Kemudian”, Indonesia dalam Arus Sejarah, Jilid I : Prasejarah”, 2012
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